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File Created: 28-Jan-2022 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  29-Jun-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name EAST-IP, PIN2, PIN 2, EAST IP, PERK-ROCKY Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 092N085
Status Showing NTS Map 092N14E
Latitude 051º 48' 14'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 02' 27'' Northing 5741192
Easting 359298
Commodities Silver, Copper Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The East-IP is located 4 kilometres east-southeast of Perkins Peak and 20 kilometres southwest of the community of Kleena Kleene

The area of the East-IP and Pin2 are underlain by volcaniclastic sandstone, siltstone, and minor limestone of the Upper Triassic Mosley Formation. These are in thrust fault contact with sandstone of the Lower Cretaceous Cloud Drifter Formation about 0.5 kilometre to the north. Late Cretaceous to Paleocene granodioritic intrusive rocks of the Bendor suite intrudes the Cloud Drifter Formation nearby.

Drill hole PK21-03 was drilled to the north to cut an untested, historic IP chargeability anomaly. From top of the hole to approximately 109 metres, the hole intersected strongly broken and sheared, sericite-pyrite altered volcanic rocks with a zone of moderate advanced argillic (pyrophyllite-dickite-tourmaline-pyrite) alteration from 36 to 48 metres. The historic chargeability anomaly is believed to be caused by the strongly pyritic rocks above 109 metres. Significant copper in this hole is 0.058 per cent from 231.65 to 232.08 metres in a bleached and sheared mafic dike. A 2-metre sample intersected 22.4 metres downhole in gouged, sheared volcanic rocks assayed 121 grams per tonne silver with no other associated metals except 180 ppm copper (Press Release, Ethos Gold Corp., September 29, 2021, and Assessment Report 39610, page 34).

The Pin2 target, located at about UTM 360250E and 5741700N, put down about 700 metres east of hole PK21-03, yielded no significant results. Surface rock samples did yield copper values of 0.328 per cent, 013 per cent, and 0.12 per cent but it is not clear if the samples were collected from outcrop or float (Perk-Rock Cu-Au map Press Release, Ethos Gold Corp., September 29, 2021).


In 2016, geochemical surface sampling, prospecting and very rudimentary geological mapping/observations was conducted on behalf of 1026452 B.C. LTD on the Perk 2 claim. Mapping and prospecting were completed in the East-IP and Pin2. Mapping indicated green andesite and malachite in the Pin2 area at the northeast corner of the Perk 2 claim (Assessment Report 36349, Figure 9).

In 2021, Ethos Gold collected a further 88 rock samples for analysis (Assessment Report 39282). A total of 2049.7 metres of drilling was completed in 6 diamond-drill holes (Assessment Report 39610).

Six widely spaced diamond drill holes, across an east-west span of approximately 6 kilometres, were completed on four target areas identified during previous sampling and mapping programs and characterized by prospective surface alteration, anomalous copper and gold in grab samples (at surface) and coincident geophysical anomalies These include the Briton (092N 011), East IP, East Pin 2 and Chilco Cu targets. Three holes (PK21-01, 02 and 06) tested the Briton prospect (092N 011), one hole (PK21-03) tested the East IP target, one hole (PK21-04) tested the East – PIN2 target and one hole (PK21-05) tested the Chilco Cu target (Press Release, Ethos Gold Corp., September 29, 2021).

See Mountain Boss (092N 010) and Briton (092N 011) for related geological and work history information.

GSC EC GEOL 1926-3-1, p. 63
GSC MAP 5-1968; 1713A
GSC OF 1163
GSC P 68-33
PR REL Ethos Gold Corp. Sep. *29, 2021